Settings and Views of Heritage Assets:

Editor News

Historic England is consulting on a proposed update to ‘The Setting of Heritage Assets’ in the light of recent planning cases and to provide further advice on views. The revised Settings and Views of Heritage Assets document will replace both ‘The Setting of Heritage Assets’ and its previous advice on views, ‘Seeing the History in the View’. Historic England is seeking views on whether the revised note gives adequate advice on the relationship between setting and views, as contributors to significance.

The main changes include:

  • citation of the sections on setting from the NPPF and the PPG;
  • more discussion of the assessment of views and their contribution to the significance of heritage assets in both Parts 1 and 2, which is now re-named Setting and Views: A Staged Approach to Proportionate Decision-Taking (pages 12 and 14);
  • reinforced references to Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (Landscape Institute and the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment, 2013) (pages 8-9);
  • a little more on landscape in the light of recent planning cases (page 4); and
  • the title of this Good Practice Advice note has been changed from ‘The Setting of Heritage Assets’ to ‘Settings and Views of Heritage Assets’, to distinguish between the new and the previous advice note.

The consultation closes on Tuesday 28 February 2017.