CAMRA argues for increased planning protection for pubs

Editor News

The Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) has called for permanent changes to planning law protect pubs, as it marks 2,000 campaigning groups across England successfully listing their local pub as an Asset of Community Value (ACV).

Since legislation was introduced in May 2015 which removed Permitted Development Rights from pubs nominated as ACVs, community groups have spent countless hours fighting to ensure their locals are registered, and are therefore subjected to the regular planning application process. Without being registered, pubs, which are often heritage assets of architectural interest, can be demolished or converted overnight without public consultation.

ACVs can be granted on any building that has a proven strong community focus, but pubs have had by far the biggest take up from local communities. Out of just under 4,000 ACVs on building such as libraries, community centres, post offices, half of them have been granted for pubs.

CAMRA is calling on the Government to cut out this frustrating process, which puts a huge burden on local communities and councils, who deal with this lengthy and clunky procedure. Instead, they believe that placing pubs in a class of their own so that owners must always seek planning permission before converting or demolishing a local will provide permanent security for local pubs.